Tips for Cyber Safety at Home

Your Devices

  • Lock your devices (pin, password, biometrics)
  • Patch/Update
  • Connect to WiFi that you trust
  • Set Location and Privacy settings
  • Use trusted anti-virus software, apps, and USB devices

When Surfing the Internet

  • Validate your connections
  • Interact with only trusted persons
  • Assume everyone can read your posts
  • Don’t use the same password everywhere or share them
  • Don’t install anything that you don’t know
  • Avoid using public computers

For Your Children

Technical Users

  • Use a trusted VPN provider when on untrusted WiFi
  • Use a firewall at home and for your business website
  • Use WPA2 encryption for WiFi
  • Segment your network
  • Use two-factor authentication
  • Store sensitive documents using encryption

If Something Goes Wrong

  • Report it to the platform (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or business (bank)
  • Contact law enforcement
  • Contact credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, Transunion)
  • Call only the number you know (back of your credit card)
  • Report it to