Welcome Unleashed Listeners!
Since you’re here, you must have listened to the Unleashed podcast with Will Bachman.
Here are 12 activities to shore up your information security (as described within the podcast): https://alfizo.com/docs/InfoSec_for_Consultants.pdf
Below are links to some of my favorite security products for individuals (not all of these are sufficient for companies). Based on your specific situation, one solution will likely be better than another, and your ideal solution may not even be in this list. Contact me if you would like tailored advice.
Data Backup
Fantastic for off-line back-ups (to an external hard drive). You can create backup images, too.
Security Awareness Training
This is a freemium product. All of the videos applicable to independent consultants are free.
This is not a general endorsement of every YouTube video, merely showing that there are a ton of online resources.
Authentication (single sign-on, password vault)
In my opinion, this is the best free product available.
This is the most effective one for home use, but it requires some technical ability.
McAfee and Norton are amongst the most popular products. Most Internet service providers (ISP) offer either McAfee or Norton for free, so check with your ISP before purchasing anything.
McAfee and Norton are amongst the most popular products. Most Internet service providers (ISP) offer either McAfee or Norton for free, so check with your ISP before purchasing anything.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
I find this to be a good balance between functionality, ease of use, and price for basic protection when on untrusted Wi-Fi. However, this is not the right product to purchase if your intent is to use the VPN all the time because many programs and websites block traffic that comes through this VPN.
Bitlocker (for Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4502379/windows-10-device-encryption
FileVault (for Mac): https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204837
Veracrypt: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html
Requires decent technical skill but is, by far, the most versatile and best free solution.
Cyber Insurance